You(th) Develop Denmark (YCU) is the coordinator in this project and an independent non-government non-profit organization of public service. YDD is a newly founded youth organization but the founding team has longstanding experience in the NGO sector, acquired through participation in different international and national non-government and student organizations. YDD’s target groups are all young active citizens aged between 16-35, from the Copenhagen Area.

SFERA INTERNATIONAL Bitola is a non-profit association in North Macedonia active since 2007. Our main goal is to educate the population in North Macedonia using different non-formal methods, about the protection of the environment, and cultural and natural heritage, with the purpose to raise awareness about the importance of a healthy lifestyle and the benefits that come with it. We focus on the the protection of environment, cultural and natural heritage; Promoting sustainable development and the usage of alternative sources of energy; Promoting healthy lifestyle – sport, healthy diet; Development of professional and leadership skills among young people; Support and facilitate the process of Europeanization of the country. Providing primary free legal aid to citizens from vulnerable categories We are focusing our work to contribute towards achieving all of these goals on a national, but also on and international level. On the national level, we are a member of the National Youth Council of Macedonia, Union of Youth Workers, Youth Coalition SEGA, Platform ZEMI ZDIV and Centre for Environmental Democracy FLOROZON. While in international we are part of the European NGO World at our home Latvia, EPA Network Germany, INTERALIA Youth Network Greece.

Associação MY MADEIRA ISLAND is a relatively young non-profit association on Madeira island. The team’s main aim is supporting creative, economic and social development of the island and its people. We want the island to thrive, and we want young people not to feel the need to search for a better life elsewhere. We promote digital skills, online employment and entrepreneurship. We also aim to develop social and personal competencies of young people and adults by organizing local and international projects, camps, training courses, conferences, seminars, consultations, lectures and other educational activities, based on non-formal education principles. And we care for nature and sustainable development of communities. The team also runs a slow news magazine on a volunteering basis. We aim to present the island through the stories of its people and create a deeper picture of this place – to show its uniqueness and its value on the globe.

“Uniamoci Onlus” is a non-profit organization that works in the field of integration and social assistance of young/adult people with disabilities fostering their full inclusion in society. The Association was created in Palermo in 2008. The headquarter of our organization is a PROPERTY CONFISCATED FROM THE MAFIA that we received on a free loan from the Municipality of Palermo. From its creation till today, about 200 young and adult people with disabilities benefited from the services provided by the Association. The main beneficiaries of our work are young/adult people with physical, cognitive, and/or mental disabilities. Every day about 25 people between 18 and 35 years old visit our center. Our staff is composed of 2 long terms workers and around 10 collaborators.

Innovaform Nonprofit Ltd. is an education center. Through our activities and wide network, we create, develop and implement innovative approaches in the field of education with the help of our highly qualified expert team from different fields of knowledge. We do believe that a well-structured education system can deal with the problem of the rising level of unemployment due to premature school leaving and adult workers with low skills as well as topics of discrimination and LGBT. Our main services are Soft skill development trainings; Human resource management; Consultation to organizations, teams, groups, communities, or individuals; Special technical assistance for international cooperation initiatives; Discrimination and LGBT topic trainings; Competency development Education and trainings.