

Hey, now that you know how to create a great CV, let’s talk business.

Have you ever been interested in knowing how to start your own business? Let's see if it fits you.

With the internet's power, starting a business is easier than ever.

You have all the tools you need with the click of a button, and most of your clients are already connected and waiting to find you.

Whether you want to sell a service or a product there are numerous platforms that allow you to find your target audience with almost no overhead costs and are extremely easy to use.

Starting your own business can be a great way to supplement your income, doing something that you love and that might give you the freedom you are looking for.

In this Module, we are going to discuss this and much more, and in the end, you will be better informed to understand if you are a natural entrepreneur.


How to become an online entrepreneur

Someone that owns an online business is an online entrepreneur. Just like a typical entrepreneur, online entrepreneurs often take financial and other types of risks in order to launch their own company. Although there are some similarities between the typical entrepreneur and an online one, its biggest differentiator is that “a traditional business setup has a physical presence, and it serves people locally by providing services or products through brick-and-mortar stores. In case of a digital business setup, people sitting in any corner of the world can scroll through the web and avail the company's services and products.”

Most well known examples of traditional business and the ones that we are most likely to interact with on a daily basis are businesses like the manufacturing industry, responsible for creating products from raw materials that are then sold to the consumer in a B2C (business to consumer) model or B2B (business to business) model. One example of this is the Automobile manufacturers that represent a B2C model, selling cars directly to consumers, and wholesalers that practice a B2B model, acting like a middle man.


Continuing in the ladder we have distributors that buy products directly from the manufacturer and afterwards sell the products to consumers or retailers.


Finally we have retailers that after purchasing their products from the wholesaler/distributor, sell their goods in physical stores, so called brick and mortar.

This being said, online businesses sell exclusively through the web, which gives them a lot of advantages when first starting out.There are also hybrid models that use both the traditional way of business associated with modern day innovations. Companies like Apple spend millions of dollars on local retail shops where they sell their products while also having a huge online presence where customers can purchase their products online.

As you can see, being an online entrepreneur even though you exclusively work in the online world, it has nothing to do with being a worker employed by a company remotely. It’s true that they can have some similarities, you both take advantage of online tools in order to work but in their essence they are totally different. Creating and managing a business takes a lot of risk, research and effort. It’s not like working for someone, with a schedule that you might have to obey, and tasks you have to deliver and a steady paycheck at the end of the month. ​




5,168,780, 607






51.6 %




4.2 %




of small business owners feel that their business is too small for a website


of people will search online for reviews and recommendations before making a purchase

The top five things that influence buying decisions are: lowest price, enhanced delivery options, easy return policy, payment options, ability to see inventory


of Millennials will head to Amazon before any other website, making them one of your biggest competitors right off the bat.


of people believe they’ll get a better deal online, even if the item isn’t technically on sale.


Content Marketing and Blogging – Stats and Facts













Video Marketing – Facts and Statistics


of people viewed an online video While online searching for local products or services


of Facebook video content is viewed without sound.


as many people would rather watch a video about a product than read about it.


People tend to stay on webpages 2.6x longer if there’s video content.



watch the short interview and story


Examples of online businesses

For some people starting a small business can be a lifelong dream and ambition. With a lot of reflection and thoughts about it. It’s not an easy job, but with a good idea, thighs can run much smoother. In this section we are going to show some online business ideas, so you can take some inspiration and be the next one to start an online business. One thing to keep in mind is that you shouldn't pressure yourself to reinvent the wheel and a lot of successful business ideas come from already existing ones. Here are some ideas so you can start as an online entrepreneur.

Online clothing store

If you ever dreamed of wearing your own creations maybe you could start an online clothing business.

Taking advantage of not needing a physical store to sell your designs, combined with the growing amount of online marketplaces, creating a clothing line can be a really good business idea.

Some tips for success would be to keep things fresh, and maybe choose a niche. There are already a lot of online clothing stores, you need to stand out from the crowd, being unique is a great way to start.

Sell your art online

Are you an artist? Maybe the next step can be starting your own online art shop!

When we say artist, you can be a photographer, painter, musician, writer… The possibilities are endless and so the ways of you turning your art in a source of revenue.

One of the most popular ways is selling your work on e-commerce websites, or using well established platforms in the area you want to sell on.

Become a freelancer

The so-called one man show of being a freelancer. You are your own boss.

Being a freelancer you can work in a multitude of ways, and it can be a great start to an entrepreneurial career

To start If freelancing is something you might be good at, there are some well established websites like Fiverr and Upwork where you can find a lot of different jobs proposals

Teach an online course

Do you ever wanted to try your shot at online teaching? Starting an online course is a low-investment idea that can generate passive income.

There are a lot of different ways of teaching online, you can sell videos, Modules, one-on-one lessons and many more

Publish your own book

Can you imagine having written your own book? Maybe your dream was to write the next big romance novel, maybe a cooking book, or a children one?

The options are endless and so are the places where you can sell your stories. And maybe you also want to transform it into an audio book.

Become an affiliate marketer

Are you someone that likes promoting other people's products or services? You can make a business out of it!

Affiliate marketing allows you to make money while recommending others' businesses. You can do it in a blog, in a youtube channel or on social media platforms and every time someone buys a product from your link you get a commission. Your job is to share!

3 Things to keep in mind before starting a business


Have a strong online presence


Minimum Viable Product (MVP)


Borrow ideas from other countries and industries.

First things first, most of your potential customers are online, so you also need to be there, able to be found. Having a strong online presence is crucial in order to grow your business.

Having an online presence allows your brand to be seen and shared with a lot more potential customers that otherwise would never be able to interact with your product.

Some online areas to have a strong presence on are, having a good website.

All businesses should have one, here you can have basic but crucial information about your business. For example, I’m sure you wanted to check a restaurant before going and you could find their website, in the end you might be left with a lot of questions about the menu, prices, working hours, contact information. Information that plays a major role when choosing where to eat.

Not having a website or having one that doesn’t provide the proper information to the user might make them less likely to visit or to buy your product. Luckily this is a problem that can be cheaply and easily fixed with the vast amount of online website builders that allow even the people with no programming background to create a website from beginning till the end.

Another great online tool when starting out are social media platforms. Having a good social media presence improves your chances of getting additional revenue and allows your customers to interact with your business and share it, allowing new customers to find your services and products.

Remember the huge amount of users these social media platforms have, so it’s important to have a strategy. Keep in mind your target audience and have an active and engaging page.

One of the big reasons a lot of startups fail is because they design their first products based on assumptions. When bringing a new product to market, it’s a smart idea to come up with a minimum viable product. This is an early version of what the final product might look like, its main function is to allow early adopters to validate the product and help with further development, having a crucial role in the improvement of the next versions and understanding if the product is valid.

It allows the gathering of customer feedback with not too much effort.

Companies choose to bring to the market minimum viable products because it allows them to release the product sooner to the market, and test early concepts in real scenarios with real users before committing to a full scale budget development.

How to create your MVP?

Before everything, the first step in developing your first MVP is to identify your company Goals and constraints. What is the purpose of this MVP? What are your limitations? Are you looking to expand your market reachability, or perhaps you want to continue focusing and developing for the markets you already have a foot on? All of this question will determine what type of MVP you should invest your resources to develop.

Following a well defined strategy plan you can start thinking about what kind of problem you want your product to solve, or what kind of improvements your product will bring to your customers. always having in mind that this MVP is only intended to solve a handful of issues and might have some limited functionality.

To finalise your research phase, we finish with an action plan. It’s time to put the ideas in to practice. One important thing to have in mind in the last steps is the V. Your product above all needs to be viable. Meaning it needs to serve the function it was intended for and provide the user with a high-quality experience. Although it might be a stripdown of the final product, it needs to be something that can be put on the market and sold.

Many well known products of our modern society started as simple MVP products that over time grow in well established and recognizable names. Here we mention some well known names such as Amazon, which initially was brought to market as an online bookstore. Understanding that there was a high demand for online shopping Jeff Bezos kept adding more products to the platform and overtime grew into the biggest online marketplace.

Another well known example is Facebook, which started out as a simple social media to connect with friends, with basic functions. But thanks to early user approval the platform kept expanding and subsequently growing into what we have today.

Sometimes companies only spend time focusing on what their competitors are working on, or how their industry as a whole is advancing. This introspective analysis can lead to a great loss in new advances and business ideas.

In general companies tend to improve and come up with innovation, in different segments when they start analysing how different industries and their systems and technologies are being used.

You could call it borrowing, stealing, copying or learning, that leads to massive change for the better in both the company and the industry they operate in. 

This interchange of ideas allows an exponential acceleration, a recent example of this was highlighted by the Covid 19 pandemic. In the beginning we saw many industries taking notes of what was being done in other fields, and later would be applied. Reducing time and cost of trying to figure new solutions on their own and instead using existing and proven ones.

Whether you are just starting out or already have an established enterprise, you cannot stop learning and innovating. Get inspired!


take the module 3 quiz to find out how compatible you are for remote working


Quiz Module 3

1 / 14

What are the 3 things to keep in mind before starting a business?


2 / 14

What does M.V.P mean?

3 / 14

What is the best way to attract new customers and retain already existing ones?

4 / 14

What is the main purpose of having an MVP?


5 / 14

What should you focus on when creating your business website?


6 / 14

When Amazon was first launched what was their business focused on?


7 / 14

What are some of the benefits of borrowing ideas from other countries and industries?


8 / 14

What are some examples of online business ideas?


9 / 14

What are some of the benefits of having an online Business?

10 / 14

What is the most used device to browse the web?

11 / 14

What's the most common way that people check a product before making a purchase?

12 / 14

Name 3 things that influence buying decisions

13 / 14

How is video content on facebook normally viewed?

14 / 14

What is the best way to know about a product?

Your score is


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